英语及语文研究科 is proud to honor its students each year 有很多奖项和奖学金. 如果你表现优异,你就有资格获得奖学金 in your 英语, ESL, Foreign Language, or 语言学 classes at PCC. 奖学金 are funded by donations from faculty, former students, and the community.

获得奖学金 & 奖

个别奖学金和奖项可能有不同的标准. 在每个春天 学年,你被要求向学校提交申请 PCC奖学金网站. All materials, including recommendation letters, are submitted online. 奖是 presented to recipients in the spring at the division honors and 奖 program.


To be considered for any of the 英语 Division’s scholarship 奖, students should 符合以下一般准则:

  • 目前就读于PCC的课程
  • 总平均成绩至少达到2分.0 
  • Have earned two or more A’s in transfer-level 英语 classes (not including 英语 在上一学年的1A或1B).

Individual scholarships and 奖 may have additional/different criteria. 请 carefully review the criteria for each scholarship/award before applying.

For more information about the scholarship application process, please visit the PCC奖学金网站.

If you have questions about 英语 Division scholarships or 奖, please contact 克里斯汀·卡兹(kkaz@pasadena).edu)或Beth Williams (ewilliams33@pasadena).edu).


Below is a list of the scholarships and 奖 that are available each year. 请 在申请之前仔细阅读每个奖项的标准.


以下奖项适用于任何学科的学生. 请检查 申请前请仔细阅读每个奖项的资格要求. 

玛丽·爱丽丝·福克斯(300美元): 认可学术成就. 申请人应证明有特殊记录 work in 英语 with an emphasis in writing, should be currently enrolled in at least 6个单元,总绩点至少为2.5. 此外,申请人应该 have completed at least one semester at PCC and should demonstrate financial need.

约翰Q. 科普兰纪念奖(500美元): 认可学术成就. 申请应证明优秀的记录 在文学课上. 将优先考虑转学的学生 秋天的PCC.

马里昂·墨菲(Marion Murphy)(500美元): 认可学术成就. 申请人应展示优秀的记录 在PCC的英语课程.

苏珊·伊莎贝尔·弗雷泽奖(500美元): 认可学术成就和公民身份. 申请人须证明 record of excellence in literature, creative writing, or the teaching of literature, 还有学校公民的记录. 申请人必须毕业或转学 来自PCC,并应证明有经济需要. 

雷P. 戴维斯(500美元): 认可学术成就. 申请人必须完成至少12个 units at PCC, should be currently enrolled in a minimum of 9 units at PCC, and should 总平均成绩不低于2分.75. 即将毕业或转学的学生 from PCC or who are continuing their coursework in the coming semesters are all eligible 这个奖项. 优先考虑来自代表性不足群体的学生.

罗伯特·勃朗宁纪念奖学金(500美元): 认可学术成就和公民身份. 申请人应具备良好的综合素质 record of scholarship and school citizenship, and should demonstrate a penchant for 英国文学. 此外,申请人应证明经济需要.

简·S. 长期纪念奖学金(500美元): 表彰学术和公民成就. 申请人必须是归国学生 who are graduating from PCC and who have a satisfactory overall record in both scholarship 和国籍.


The following 奖 are available to students who are majoring in 英语. 请 review 申请前请仔细阅读每个奖项的资格要求.

退休英语教师奖学金(1000美元): Recognizes returning students (out of high school for at least ten years) who are 继续在PCC的英语专业学习. 申请人应该有一个整体 平均绩点不低于3分.5、应完成至少30个单元,并应已收到 英语1A和1B成绩为A.

黄未来教师奖(1,000美元): Recognizes 英语 majors who plan to pursue teaching 英语 as their future career. 申请人的总平均成绩应至少为3分.2、应积极报名 in at least 12 units at PCC at the time of application for this scholarship, and should 你在PCC完成了15个单元吗.

汉威优秀英语奖学金(1000美元): Recognizes 英语 majors who will be transferring in the following fall semester. 申请者的平均成绩必须达到3分.英语水平达到5分或以上 课程.


Students who meet the eligibility requirements will be considered for the following 奖. 不需要申请.

理查德·斯科特·汉德利纪念奖(250美元): 认可创造性学术成就. 这个奖颁发给下列学生 has submitted the most distinguished creative writing to Inscape, PCC’s literary Magazine.

卓越成就荣誉(25美元): 认可学术成就. 这个奖颁发给主修英语的学生 GPA保持在3分.至少有13门英语以外的转学课程,成绩达到75分或以上 1A.

杰出荣誉(50美元): 认可学术成就. 这个奖是颁发给主修 英语,平均成绩保持在4分.至少有16门英语以外的转学课程 1A.

奖学金申请每年春季学期开放. 你可以提交你的奖学金 应用程序通过 学术著作. 请在线提交所有材料,包括推荐信.



凯瑟琳·D. 洛利奖学金每年春天颁发给表现优异的学生 in a Foreign Language and who is transferring to a college or university.


  1. 准备好转到学院或大学
  2. 在完成至少30个课程后毕业
  3. 在奖学金和公民身份方面有令人满意的总体记录
  4. 需要经济援助以实现其教育目标
  5. preferably be an outstanding Foreign Language student and a member of Alpha Gamma σ

亚瑟年代. 威利奖学基金 provides an award to students who study foreign languages and who have distinguished themselves in scholarship and in citizenship.

  1. 将从最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏毕业;
  2. shall have achieved academic success in the study of one or more languages;
  3. 将对语文司作出一些显著的贡献.

The Clara Bate Giddings Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Clara Bate 吉丁斯从1926年到1948年在PCC教德语. 该奖项旨在表彰优秀的 在德语学习方面的成就. 得奖人必须完成30个单元 college and be graduating at the time of the award with an outstanding record in advanced 德语课程以及优异的奖学金和公民身份记录.

亨利F. Cordelius award was established by Henry Cordelius, a former professor 在PCC学习德语. 这个奖是为了鼓励学习德语而设立的 and limited to graduating students who are planning to continue to do so at a higher 机构. Recipients must have attended PCC for at least one year and demonstrate an outstanding record in advanced German 课程 as well as a superior record in scholarship 和国籍.

This award is for outstanding students majoring in Italian, who are planning to continue 在本科和研究生阶段学习意大利语.

该奖学金要求学生至少完成3门课程.平均绩点5分,18个学分 意大利了. 将优先考虑计划使用意大利语的学生 在他们未来的职业生涯中.

的博士. Hirai Japanese Scholarship is awarded to PCC students who have completed Japanese 4 .成绩优异,有奉献精神.

This scholarship, was established by her husband in honor of Margarita Fastabend, a vivacious and accomplished Professor Emerita of 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏. 这是一个 西班牙语杰出成就奖.

To qualify the student, for whom Spanish is a foreign language, must have achieved an outstanding record in Spanish 课程 and have completed Spanish 4. 还有学生 must have attended 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 for at least one year and be transferring 去上四年制大学.


This award is in memory of Yves Magloe, an ESL 教师 member who crossed cultural 要想在PCC取得成功. 它是为了表彰ESL学生而设计的 谁有类似的跨文化经历. 这个学生一定选修了ESL 33B the previous calendar year, be currently enrolled in six units and have an overall GPA 3.0. As part of the process, applicants must also write an essay to qualify.

The Renee Copeland Memorial Award was established to honor the memory of Renee Copeland, 长期教授英语作为第二语言和法语. 该奖项认可 the academic achievements of F-1 Visa students who are in need of help financially. Recipients must have completed at least two of the following 课程: ESL 33A, 33B, 英语 1A and demonstrate good character and a good academic record at PCC.



语言学奖学金是由教师评选的. 标准:整体比较 GPA, GPA in 语言学 课程, the number of 语言学 课程 a student has taken 语言学专业优先. 
